Important - DLT Template ID Scrubbing Go Live - 1st April 2021

Important - DLT Template ID Scrubbing Go Live - 1st April 2021

Important - DLT Template ID Scrubbing Go Live - 1st April 2021

TRAI has announced that, 1st April 2021 is the GO LIVE date for the regulatory process of scrubbing the Template ID with all the operators. Now PE's/TMs are required to upload all their content templates to any operator DLT portal for messages to be successfully delivered.

As communicated earlier Smart 5 Solutions Team is ready with the options for you to support while transitioning smoothly to the new DLT process.

We would like to reiterate once again that you must choose from the given below option to enable compliance implementation for your Bulk SMS Service.

There are three actions that you need to undertake for compliance with the Message Template scrubbing guidelines.

  • Whitelist your Message templates in DLT portals

    Please gather all your templates/ message content and start uploading them under different categories i.e. Transactional /Service Implicit/Service Explicit/Promotional. Aside from Service explicit and Promotional Messages a special template named as consent template needs to be uploaded and approved. Please refer to the attached Template creation handbook to have clarity over the type of Content templates and consent templates. Similar to the Sender ID upload process, you need to upload these templates with any operator DLT portal and templates will get synced across all other DLT portals/platforms.

  • Choose your approach on how to achieve regulatory compliance while submitting your messages to the Smart 5 Solutions platform

    Approach-I: Make a change and submit DLT required parameters

    • Make development changes at your end to maintain your Entity ID, Sender ID/Header, and Templates as registered in the DLT portal.
    • Send an email to Business ( with a list of accounts to enable the registration.
    • Use additional Parameters as informed in the APIs/SMPP documents to submit your messages to Smart 5 Solutions.

    Approach -II: Let Smart 5 Solutions detect your template with zero change at your end

    • Send a request to Business ( with a list of accounts to enable sender IDs
    • Download your registered Entity ID, Sender ID, and Template ID details from DLT portals.
    • Upload your Downloaded file and share it with the Smart 5 Solutions Business Team over an email.

    Steps to upload DLT details in Smart 5 Solutions DLT Portal:

    • Please ensure that Approach 2 is enabled for your account (if not enabled please send a request to Business with a list of accounts to enable Approach 2 via Smart 5 Solutions DLT AI).
    • Login to Portal using your Account login details and OTP.
    • Go to DLT Registration module, map or import your Entity ID and Sender ID under the Sender ID registration tab (if this is not available then option 2 is not yet enabled for your account).
    • Upload your Template file in the Template Registration tab using Bulk option.
    • You are done!! (Smart 5 Solutions DLT AI will automatically detect the template ID and append it to your message request to comply to regulation)
  • DLT Error Codes update

    DLT platforms have incorporated a new set of error codes for messages that are rejected due to the failure of various compliance checks. Please ensure your applications have the updated Error Codes mapped.

PS: DLT AI uses closest match technology if templates are very similar incorrect matching may happen. Please ensure templates are distinct, please seek guidance from the support team for any assistance.

We are glad to inform you that our platform has both the desired approaches to make you compliant with the new regulatory DLT process. We request you to keep your DLT Registration details ready and choose any of the options to get the changes done in your Account and use uninterrupted services.

For the customers who do not opt for DLT AI feature offered by Smart 5 Solutions and are currently using open template accounts, they need to pass respective DLT template IDs for the messages to process.

Please ensure you send your approach to Smart 5 Solutions team ( with different subject line and not same as subject of this notification , if preference is not provided then all your messages will start failing effective 1st April, 2021.

Important - Please note there is no communication sent to your sub-users account owners, therefore we request you to kindly cascade as appropriate.

Try a variety of Bulk SMS in the DLT Process - FREE credit will be provided after signup with our service. For any assistance, Please Contact us at 7440005002 or Write an Email to any time for any further help.


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